JERA Profile

JERA Co.,Inc. (JERA) was jointly established in April 2015 by Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (CEPCO) and Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) with 50 : 50 share partnership in order to be a comprehensive alliance covering the entire energy supply chain, from upstream investments and fuel procurement through power generation both in Japan and abroad.

JERA will broaden the scope of its business domains by investing strategically and integrating the value chain from upstream fuel investment and procurement through power generation. JERA utilizes know-how of CEPCO and TEPCO to strive to be a global energy corporation capable of competing on the world stage and to optimize the fuel value chain.


JERA Philosophy

"From Japan to the world... JAPAN’S ENERGY FOR A NEW ERA"


"To provide cutting edge solutions to the world's energy issues"

Through our global operations we bring the world's leading energy solutions to Japan, helping to solve the energy issues facing the country. We seek to establish new energy supply models for Japan while also offering energy supply models established in Japan to other countries that face similar energy issues, helping to solve the world's energy issues.


"Global leader in LNG and renewables, sparking the transition to a clean energy economy"

As we look toward 2025, the energy solutions we offer will focus mainly on two businesses: the LNG value chain business and the large-scale renewable energy business. These businesses are complementary; renewable energy with variable power generation output is complemented by flexible, clean LNG thermal power generation. With demand expected to grow globally, particularly in Asia, we aim to become a leader in these two businesses.


In order to establish a new corporate culture, we will share as our corevalues agility, creativity, readiness for challenges, excellence, diversity,and fairness.

Global graph(3)

JERA Business Plan

JERA will broaden thescope of its business domains by investing strategically and integrating thevalue chain from upstream fuel investment and procurement through power generation. JERA would also pursue the most efficient operation in fuel procurement, fuel trading and operation of the thermal power plants by expanding businesses in areas and broadening business domain, utilizing know-how of CEPCO and TEPCO, and optimizing the value-chain.

We announced on April 2019, our newly-formulated business plan, income/expenditure level and environmental policy for the period and after integration into us of the existing thermal power generation businesses of our shareholders.

For more information, please see
New Business Plan and Income/Expenditure Level(April 2 2019 press released)

JERA Overseas Businesses

Based on the know-how, human assets and other management resources cultivated through business activities in Japan, JERA is advancing energy-related businesses in many foreign countries. In Thailand, JERA is investing in the gas-fired thermal IPP business, SPP cogeneration business, renewable power (i.e. biomass, wind and solar) business and has a stake in a Thailand's large private power producer, Electricity Generating Plc. (EGCO). JERA is also delivering power plant technical services through its Thailand-based leading subsidiary, JERA Power (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (JERA-PT).

For more information about JERA, please see